Interview questions from
echo_of_my_soul. Some serious, some silly, some fannish, some unfannish.
1. If you had to pick one femslash pairing to be your favorite, which would it be? Why?
*cheats a wee bit* Bethany/Cynthia. They're from my St.Patrick's-verse, which at the moment consists of two novellas, 20 pages of an unfinished novella that, if I were actually going to finish it, would be all about Cynthia/Bethany, and a fifth of the novel I tried to write over the summer. Cynthia/Bethany has existed in my head for a long time, and it's dark and angsty, sort of unrequited, and pretty as fuck. Fannish leanings come and go, but I strongly suspect that this pairing will live with me for a long time.
2. Buffy, Angel, or Firefly. Which one is your favorite to meta, and what do you like to meta about the most?
Angel. Mostly because I love the big world-building/metaphysical questions, and thinking about the worldviews of the characters and how they impose those views onto the world and in the process, change it. I love the structure of the series, the way each season is so different in tone and yet together they all tell one story that is almost cohesive... I enjoy the fact that, unlike with BtVS, there is not One Central Question (Spike, Spuffy, "Seeing Red" and the Soul) that has already been talked to death, and that there feels like there's plenty of new ground to cover in thinking about the structure and symbols of the AtSverse.
3. Who in your life has had the biggest impact on you, and what was it about them that was so significant?
Literally, it's probably my dad, what with him reading to me, playing games with me, going for walks with me, RPing with me (what, so when you pretend to be Heidi and your dad pretends to be the Alm Uncle, you don't call that RP?), and us discussing everything and *everything* for as long as I can remember. Okay, screw the literally -- yes, my dad is the person who's had the biggest impact on my life, instilled in me my ways of thinking, my ways of being, my ways of being ethical and just about everything else that's most significant about my personality.
So, un-literally, it's Jeane, who is in many ways the Love of My Life, from whom I'll never totally recover. Even though she was a teacher of sorts, Jeane didn't exactly mold my personality or change the way I viewed the world, but the fact of my loving her really did change me. She was the beginning of my adolescence, and her death... carved out a space in my soul.
4. You've stated before that you've been very lucky to grow up in a family that was supportive of you and the fact that you lead an "alternative lifestyle". What words of wisdom would you give to someone who hasn't been that fortunate?
Eep! I sometimes really don't know what to say to people who know their parents wouldn't be supportive of their queerness, since even when I was very young and questioning, I knew that my parents would be okay with it. In fact, I've rarely had the experience of coming out when I didn't know how my revelation would be received.
I think I would advise young people with non-queer-friendly parents to build, as best they are able, a support system of queer and queer-friendly people and to be cautious about coming out to their parents, keeping in mind that disowning happens... even though I value honesty a lot, I think sometimes pragmatism should triumph over honesty, and I wouldn't encourage anyone (with non-queer-friendly parents, etc) to come out until a) they *want* to and b) they are financially and physically *and emotionally* independent enough to do so.
5. If you had one thing in your life that you could "do over", what would it be and why?
I'd watch Farscape again, unspoiled. Because it would be SO MUCH BETTER that way. (In meatspace life, I try not to think about how it could have been and focus on how it was, lest I kill myself with too many regrets. Also, there's very little in my life that I regret deeply.) ETA: Okay, no, I've thought of it.
I would not come out to Andrew Verdon. Because I didn't enjoy being mercilessly mocked by my entire eighth grade class for my sexuality.
ETA: NC-17 drabbles to the first five ten requesters. Pairing and one-word prompt, please. :)