Title: "Slinky, Untangled"
Fandom: Buffy, the Vampire Slayer
Pairing: Dawn/Tara
Rating: NC-17
Timeline/Spoilers: Futurefic, AU from sometime in S6
Notes: Backup fic for
ricktboy in the
femslash_minis Dawn round. He wanted ice cream sundaes, magic, no disapproving Buffy, and NC-17. The slinky described is sitting in my lap.
Words: 1564
Summary: Packing, distractions, and
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Comments 26
"Oh yes. If Buffy wanted them, she should have claimed them while she was still in the country. And while it's tempting to hold onto anything that might be useful to show to her future boyfriends, I'm big with the discarding today."
"So Buffy had a kinky gay slinky?"
*cracks up*
"I was thinking more the kitchen floor."
"Think anyone's ever made love there?"
"Touched"!!! *loves*
And dude, you have actual insight -- with the bent slinky ("Putting things back together is hard," Tara says. "You can't just, you know, do a spell. You have to work." !!! Oh my S6Willow issues) and the age differential .... have I mentioned that I love and miss you?
"Touched"!!! *loves*
With the ice cream and the kitchen!sex, I couldn't not think of that scene.
And dude, you have actual insight -- with the bent slinky ("Putting things back together is hard," Tara says. "You can't just, you know, do a spell. You have to work." !!! Oh my S6Willow issues) and the age differential
Yay, like, thinky things!
The slinky -- I totally had a wicked bent slinky earlier today and untangled it and thought, "Okay, how can this be worked into a fic?" Because everything I do, I imagine my characters doing.
Age differential is love. :)
*love you too*
Because everything I do, I imagine my characters doing.
It occurred to me after I posted that I totally had a pale-purple-with-rainbow slinky when I was younger. I never had slinkies that were non-slinky-shaped, though.
Age differential is love. :)
Word, yo.
wow, that was just...mmmmmmmmmmmmm
beautiful...I love Tara/Anyone, but Tara/Dawn is one of my favs...
thank you, so much...
Other people have said all the sophisticated stuff about theme and the slinky, so I think I'll just rely on squee as feedback:
Yay! Fic!
Running out of ways to get there is a real problem for you, isn't it, due to your prolificness. The rest of us mortals are busying figuring out how to make it work the first time. (Since most of my fics are in the same universe, I really don't have that problem. But then, I'm not really a shipper.)
And as for AUs . . . usually that sort of thing would bother me as a reader, but for some reason when you do it, it never does.
Great work! And thank you so much for writing a back-up fic. As I've often said before, back-up writers are my heroes. :)
And am glad you like my Dawn, too! :)
You're very welcome -- sorry it took me so long.
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Anyhow, am very glad you enjoyed! I think writing on notebooks, note-passing, etc are still very much hip. At least, in my little corner of the universe. :) I constantly envision Buffy being like that about Angel.
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