Saturday morning and TMI

Aug 13, 2005 11:55

Hot. Itchy. Uninspired. Hot. ITCHY. Uninspired. "Evolution" part 1 was on this morning, and I recorded the last three-quarters of it. (Though wasn't really inspired to watch that much, though did catch Jack's "live long and prosper," which, squee. Though felt, more than I usually do, that RDA was not having the time of his life but was mostly bored.)

Drank coffee this morning to avoid usual weekend headache. And woke up at 9:30 or so. See how good I'm being about this new "never staying up late again" regime? Though mostly it was because I was too itchy to sleep any longer.

There were at least two posts on the flist this morning that made me wonder about celibacy and wait-till-marriage. It always makes my head spin just a little and given how much I like to have a reason for everything? Makes me kind of, er, frustrated? And confused. hermionesviolin's post, and scrollgirl's post. (Which is actually fandom!kerfluffle related, but did make me think, so there ya go.)

Dad and I had an interesting conversation last night in which I pretty much repeated the discussion sk8eeyore and her flist were having about choosing a church home. I *heart* my dad.

SO! Went to Walmart on Thursday afternoon and went to feminine care section and stared for a good ten minutes at all the douches and vaginal itch creams and saw nothing that said "THIS WILL CURE A YEAST INFECTION" and pretty much got totally lost and confused, and bought one itch cream not designed specifically for yeast infections and some yogurt. Used yogurt in predictable but kind of icky way on Thursday night and applied another dosage on Friday morning, and amazingly, it seemed to like, work and make the itchy less unbearable.

On Friday morning my mom called about five minutes before we had to leave for work and for the first time all summer, I actually DID want to talk to her, as there are some things for which a girl needs her mommy. Mom wasn't especially useful except to suggest yogurt (already there, Mom) and lots of water. Okay, this is what I don't understand. The 70searthmother cure for a yeast infection is:
-drink lots of water and
-put disgusting gloppy stuff where, like, pee comes out.


Anyhow, Mom also told Dad I needed to go back to the drugstore, which was generous of her, though I really should be at the age where I can say, "Lookit, I need to get drugs BECAUSE I ITCH, OKAY?" by myself. Anyhow. So on Friday after work we went to a different drug store, the CVS, where they had a huge display of yeast infection drugs. WalMart LOSES AT LIFE for failing to have such a display.

Anyhow, stared for awhile but finally, being my father's daughter and my Nana(God rest her soul)'s granddaughter, I chose pretty much the cheapest kind, though I did go for the three-day cream rather than the seven-day cream because if you think I can follow any health regimen for a week, dude, you are so mistaken. So anyhow, the yeast infection creams scare me, because they say in big caps lock letters "IF YOU HAVE NOT PREVIOUSLY BEEN DIAGNOSED WITH A YEAST INFECTION, GET THEE TO A DOCTOR." Why is this? Does anyone know? I mean, is it so you don't incorrectly diagnose yourself? It's not like "smells like yeast, looks like cottage cheese, itches like hell" is a particularly difficult concept to grasp, you know?

Anyhow, I did have a yeast infection before, a long long time ago, when I was about 12, and my mommy bought me the OTC treatment thing, but that didn't work out too well since I'd never used a tampon at that point so the applicator thing went something like "itch itch itch OMG MOM THAT HURTS! FUCK!" I think I ended up just using the itch-relief cream thingie and it cleared up okay on its own.

But now what I am a big girl, I managed to apply the applicator full of cream no problem, and then went to bed.

The cream that comes with the treatment? DOES NOT WORK. BURNS. So during the day, we're back to ye-olde-earth-mother treatment, which burns less and relieves itchiness.

Don't get yeast infections. So not teh_fun.

So when I'm not self-medicating or bathing, which I'm doing a lot of, I'm angsting over the three ficathon stories I have due on Monday. *angsts*

sexual ethics, why is uterus?, sleep habits, mom, illness

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