otp memage:

Aug 10, 2005 17:25

From phiremangston

otp fandom whoring meme.
1. Number One OTP that is truly THE ONE TRUE PAIRING (withstanding the test of time and fandom whoring): I would say McKay/Weir only SG:A is barely a year old so I don't know!
2. Your OTP today: Angel/Cordelia.
3. Baby’s first OTP: Frodo/Sam
4. That Rare Pairing that you Love: Which rare pairing that I love? Oh, fine. Fred/Tara.
5. OTP that you’d go to bat for in Wank Situation: I try to avoid wank, but Fred/Wesley is my baby that seems to need the most defending. Oh, and the tried and true "Sam and Daniel aren't siblings" discussion.
6. Number One Anti-OTP, the pairing you hate with a fiery passion: Did I mention I try to avoid wank?
7. Character you pair off with almost anyone: *cough* You want a list?

This is for rapid fire first OTP that comes to your head for each fandom, don't cheat!
Stargate: Daniel/Sam
Atlantis: Mckay/Weir
Firefly: Kaylee/Inara
Crossover: Kaylee/Fred
Other: [Farscape] John/Aeryn

I are have broken the writers' block by writing contrarian!fic. Oh fun.

otps, memes

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