done, tra la!

Jul 13, 2005 01:13

So, it might not be very good, but I have 2000+ words of Zelenka!fic, to be edited tomorrow and then put online. Wonderful. Still need to flesh out the Teal'c-fic (by which I mean add the Sam/Daniel bits) and write the freeverse fic, but that is actually not something I'm dreading too much, since there are, amazingly, no stipulations.

I really need to learn not to sign up for so damn many 'thons. Speaking of which, I've signed up for Slashy Summer Fun, which is BtVS and AtS, with song lyrics you pick yourself for prompts own AND you pick your own due date AND your own pairing. *squee* You-my-flisters should go sign up for femslashy pairings, as right now I seem to be the only one not doing a boyslash pairing. Mostly Spander. OMGWTFBBQ, as they say.

I rewatched "Broca Divide" with the sisterling. *squeeeee!* There was adorableness. I really, really love my team. Like, so much. There was just... Teal'c apologizing to Jack for losing Daniel. Daniel and Sam dorking out over the Broca Divide, and Daniel's "Poor you," when he heard Jack got seduced by Sam. And the ensuing OMG I should bring her flowers and I care about her! I mean, yes, Sha're, and yes, fourth episode, but yes, also, very much OTP! They are so adorkable together. But what really got me was Janet. Ohhh, Janet! She was so perfect, so very perfect. I gotta say, the scene, you know the one, in the isolation room, where Jack's being all stupid Gryffindorish noble and self-sacrificing, and there's Hand On Cheek sweetness? My heart kind of melted with gooey joy.

And then there's the bit where Sam turns to Jack on the ramp as they're heading out to save Daniel, and asks if he thinks Daniel's still okay, and there's this *moment* where they're realizing how much that would truly suck. And... and... AND. They're all so adorable and wonderful and beautiful and stupidly brave and I love them all very, very much.

Goblet of Fire is doing nothing to discourage my Harry/Ron/Hermione tendancies. Nor my McGonagall/Hermione tendancies.

I need to wake up in 6.5 hours so should really go to bed, but I think I'm going to go the Arthur and Friends route instead, for I am nothing if not a Great Big Dork.

Apologies for spamming LJ. Truly.

ETA: Things we have on tape:
-Mad About You (intriguing, but will have to figure out chronology if wish to watch)
-Three Stooges (unsurprising)
-tennis (boring)
-Olympics (boring for rewatching)
-ATGB and KUA (exciting, though have ATGB in better quality now)
-ten seconds of me on TV as part of a local weather report (terribly exciting when I was 12, less so now)
-Sabrina the Teenage Witch

Things we do not have on tape, as far as I could find:
Arthur and Friends

Things I fully intend to watch on tape tomorrow:
Sabrina, the Teenage Witch

Crossovers anticipated from this rewatching adventure: don't even go there.

ficathon addiction, vhs, pbs kids, harry potter, sg-1 in review, everything gateverse

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