ficpost: "A Small Puzzle" Giles/Wesley

Jun 30, 2005 09:37

Title: "A Small Puzzle"
Fandom: Buffy: the Vampire Slayer and Angel
Pairing: Giles/Wesley
Rating: PG
Timeline/Spoilers: In an AU S3/6.
Notes: For winter_rogue in the Escape From L.A. Ficathon. Her requests are at the end.
Disclaimer: Joss, not me.
Summary: Wesley goes to England, drinks brandy, and saves the world.
Words: 2903

A Small Puzzle )

rupert giles, my buffyverse fanfic, my fanfic, wesley wyndam-pryce, wesley/giles

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Comments 13

rosewildeirish June 30 2005, 15:05:37 UTC
Oh, I loved this. I never liked Wesley in Buffy; the reemergence of him on Angel was annoying at first, but his arc was painfully beautiful in development and change, and this - this captures it all, so nicely, in a nutshell.

Plus leaves a hint of what might yet be. So nice. :)


wisdomeagle June 30 2005, 22:01:11 UTC
That's pretty much how I feel about Wesley, too. I'm glad you enjoyed the fic. :) Yay!


eloise_bright June 30 2005, 23:17:53 UTC
Lovely work. The quiet, gentle interaction between Wesley and Giles is perfect, and I'm left with a yearning for what might have been. Or what still might be.


wisdomeagle June 30 2005, 23:34:08 UTC
Thank you. I'm glad you enjoyed it.


(The comment has been removed)

wisdomeagle July 1 2005, 03:06:14 UTC
Thanks for reading! I'm glad you enjoyed it.


cadence_k July 1 2005, 06:27:37 UTC
I really enjoyed this! The interactions between Wes and Giles were nicely understated and it left me wanting more.

Also, the thought of Wes getting out then and the chance of what might develop with Giles makes me so happy!


wisdomeagle July 1 2005, 13:21:14 UTC
Aww, thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed; I *heart* writing understated UST.

And all these happy Wesleys running around out there after this ficathon! It's a good thing.


likeadeuce July 2 2005, 03:21:04 UTC
So is Wes going to save Tara? That would be nice! Save Tara and send Giles back to Sunnydale. . .sniff.

This is a really lovely story, and you know that I love me some Wes!


wisdomeagle July 2 2005, 14:43:14 UTC
Yep! They work together to save Tara. *preens over coming up w/ a happy AU for once*

Thanks so much; I'm glad you enjoyed it.


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