The results of
this poll.
I'll make this brief. Because I need to find my mom's birthday card.
1. I suspect the phrasing of the poll biased people towards Weir, or rather, biased my interpretation of the poll. By far the majority of people loved Weir or thought she was okay, but there should really be some choice between those two options.
2. I'll use the term "slasher" to mean someone who liked exclusively or mostly slash, and "het fan" for someone who liked exclusively or mostly het, and "bifictional" for someone who claimed to like either everything or nothing.
3. Though I should note that there are far more exclusive slashers than exclusive het fen. There were also a lot more slashers than het fen, period.
4. As I said, everyone, regardless of ship preference, tends to lean towards Weir love or at least like. However, the largest two data clusters were:
a) People who liked mostly het but some slash and who said "I love Weir. She's one of my favorite characters" and
b)people who like mostly slash but some het and who said "Weir is okay. She's not my favorite character, but there's nothing wrong with her."
5. Conclusion, in brief: Het fans tend to be, on a whole, slightly more fond of Weir than slashers are. However, the correlation between the two seems to me to be kind of obvious. We tend to ship those characters we like the most, and the characters we love we tend to ship. And I'm not saying slashers are misogynistic. Just that they're, yanno, slightly less fond of Weir than het fen are.
Also, I now have a really stupid looking scatter plot.