ficpost: "Romantic Comedies" Tara & Buffy

May 01, 2005 00:15

Title: "Romantic Comedies"
Fandom: Buffy: the Vampire Slayer
Characters: Buffy & Tara (& Willow)
Pairings mentioned: Willow/Tara, Buffy/Angel, Buffy/Riley
Rating: PG
Timeline: The summer after S4
Words: 1,165
Notes: for aliasagent in the Friendship Ficathon.
Summary: girly movies and lessons learned
romantic comedies )

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Comments 33

deadsoul820 May 1 2005, 04:40:08 UTC
Very charming, I quite enjoyed it! And, indeed, the last thing they need is a devilishly evil Willow with a big head ;)


wisdomeagle May 1 2005, 04:51:30 UTC
*g* Thank you!


(The comment has been removed)

wisdomeagle May 2 2005, 01:36:25 UTC
Indeed they could. *cuddles Tara*


m_phoenix May 1 2005, 11:48:27 UTC
That was an absolute pleasure, and it left me smiling. I love your Tara.


wisdomeagle May 2 2005, 01:37:04 UTC
Ooh, yay. I'm so glad. I love my Tara too -- and canon Tara, and just about every incarnation of Tara. *ravishes her gently*


alixtii May 1 2005, 11:55:30 UTC
"'I shook hands with Charlie Chaplin at the premiere of this film. Then I ate him.'"

Third. Best. Line. Ever.

This is a sweet fic in that Buffy and Tara really do walk away better for the experience. It's heartwarming. As well as oh-so-funny in so many places. The Chaplin line, but also Buffy thinking about "lesbian movies," and Willow's "Lesbianism is normal!"

Great work.


wisdomeagle May 2 2005, 01:38:26 UTC

Yay! I wrote a sweet fic with a happy ending! *dies of shock* But I'm glad it was both heartwarming and funny. :) Thanks for reading and commenting on all of these; finding your fb this morning made me quite happy.


flurblewig May 1 2005, 14:01:33 UTC
Hee! Buffy never really learned to share, did she? :-)

Loved the bit about Angel eating Charlie Chaplin!


wisdomeagle May 2 2005, 01:39:08 UTC
Nope. Sharing friends is hard. (But I bet when she stopped being an only child, she learned a thing or two about sharing -- I know I did!)

Thanks for reading. :)


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