I am the least common denominator

Apr 13, 2005 16:26

Tonight is my thesis defense. As I am desperately paranoid and fearful about this, I embark on an exciting journey into pop entertainment.

Last night, I watched a movie on Bravo. I came in halfway through and was terribly confused, because it was a rather complex plot with people posing as other people and whatnot. Very confusing.

I just IMDb'd it through the one actor who I recognized -- your pal and mine Carlos Jacott, who's mostly famous for being a Whedonverse hat trick. The movie was called Mr. Jealousy, and it was wacky and fun. I think I was most impressed with the acting, which felt very real. Human and fumbling and awkward. I really did care for all the characters by the end, with all their neuroses and everything, because they were all ridiculously human. In one sense it was a fun romp, and in other sense it was a hideous cliche, but it was just teetering on the edge of self-awareness re: its clicheness. There were some meta-bits that were quite hilarious, and I realized afterwards while I was falling asleep that the whole extended coda is actually commented on in the dialogue.

Art, it was not. But it was funny, and the writing and acting were good, although the score was too hackneyed and the camerawork/editing were, um, trite. But like I said, I felt like it was good about being aware of the triteness, although the very ending left me with the yes, just another romantic comedy feeling.

That said, I was totally rooting for them, because I'm a big ol' sap.

My main issue with it? The boys didn't get to kiss despite the clear chemistry between them. I thought that kind of thing was allowed to happen on Bravo. I've been clearly misinformed.

Carlos was great, and I think he actually got to show off his range more than he did in the Whedonverse, where he always played the same type of character... here he was more fleshed out and more human and hilariously funny.

And then I went to sleep. At five in the morning.

All right, woke up, studied, lunch, discovered I had passed my Christian scriptures exam (yay) and took my last anthropology exam. I'm all done except the THESIS DEFENSE in two and a half hours.

So thanks to the diligent efforts of my flist, I have lots of semi-legal media on my computer, including about half the first season of Veronica Mars. I watched the Pilot while going through skip=75 on flist (I really just need to filter off ffrants and metaquotes; that would solve the skip problem.) Anyhow, I think I said something about Veronica Mars...

[spoilers for the first episode only]

My vague, uninformed impressions, and keeping in mind that my ability to figure out what's going on is very, very small:

-Veronica is pretty. And I like her. She reminds me of Cher (of Clueless, not of Sonny and) whom I've fangirled madly for years, only slightly harder around the edges. This is Cher who doesn't have it all handed to her.

-I have huge, insane love for Wallace. He's so cute! I think I'm going to love the VM-Wallace relationship, whether it's friendship or 'shipship. OMG teh_cute. "Veronica Mars, you're a marshmallow." <3

-I like Veronica's dad, and the relationship between her and her dad. I'm a sucker for family relationships, especially parent-child (and not in the pervy way omfg!) ones, and this makes me very happy. The protectiveness they both have for each other and the way Veronica needs to protect her father and how he doesn't know all she's up to and yeah. Very sweet.

-Lily's brother (Duncan?) kind of intrigues me a little bit. Only a little bit, mind you. But I'd like to see more of how the Duncan-Veronica stuff plays out.

-The appeal of Logan is not striking me. I'll keep an open mind, but fear this will be another Draco thing, where I waited for the whole series for the moment when he actually, you know, was interesting, and then it never happened. But like I said! I've only seen the first episode, so keeping an open mind.

Er, in conclusion, yay distractments? OMG need to print out a copy of my thesis for me to have at the defense which is now in two hours and TEN minutes, and also I think I'm going to try to get a tiny bit of a nap first.

And cheese_munkey and her roommate will be there to keep me company and keep me from going insane or crying or failing miserably omg. I'm going to fail.

*dies and iz ded of stress*

Keep me in your hearts, flist.

[spoilers beyond 1x01 for VM in the comments would not be appreciated.]

vmars, movies, guest starrage

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