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The premise of this ficathon is that one is not enough. In fact, two are not enough, and three is just starting to hit the proper number of people to have in a relationship. This is a ficathon for trios and triples and multiples on
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Name: Rysler
LJ: joran
Request 1
Three special requests OR one prompt: Something domestic but not necessarily fluffy (day at the cabin, baseball game, trip to the zoo), OR sex(ual tension) on the base. (I know that's two prompts, I'm sorry. ::grovels::)
Anything you don't want included: Everything is fair game except Heroes.
Request 2
Three special requests OR one prompt: Hurt/Comfort, rain, first time for at least one of them (or promises of such--Smut not absolutely required)
Anything you don't want included: No restrictions.
What groupings, kinds of groupings, or characters would you especially like to write? Any Stargate SG1 characters, major or minor, in any combination. For Atlantis, the main group in any combination (Weir, Sheppard, McKay, Carson, Teyla, Zelenka)
What groupings or kinds of groupings can you not write? I'll write anything.
What else can't you write? I'll write anything.
( ... )
Thanks for playing.
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