joy for Lent: feast day

Feb 27, 2005 20:44

Wee thesis break for glee!

1. Finished 'Gate and 'Lantis! So now I can no longer be spoiled, 'cept for S2 and also 9. But ah well. [SPOILERS through "Moebius part 2"]Except for the TOTALLY GRATUITOUS JACK/SAM that made me want to hit things because it is exactly what I hate most about that dynamic, the Big Damn Hero who looks at the poor little dork girl and heals her with the Magic Power of cock kisses and OMG it made me so irate I was like aaaah, fuckers, nooo! Especially since the made the Sam/Daniel bit a LIE and OMG was falling off the bed with squee when she said she liked Daniel and dammit, could it have killed them to have Sam/Daniel, even in the alternate timeline? Aaaarrrgggghhhhhh. I threw things. Well, not literally, but yeah.[/spoilers]

2. Waking up snuggled against another warm body, and then realizing that I didn't have to get out of bed for a really, really long time.

3. Cookies and iced tea and Valentine chocolate and other things that are yummy.

4. Kisses.

5. Continuing the ABC order Jossverse, we saw "Becoming part 2".

6. (BONUS!) Am in Ohio, with girlfriend.

Three things I did well:
1. I woke up!
2. I took a shower!
3. I did thesis work!

Two things I am looking forward to doing (better) tomorrow:
1. I will do more thesis work!
2. I will write an actual diary entry in my paper diary!

So gleeeee! Love to all, and behave yourselves.

PS: Thesis? Is like ship_manifesto essay. For BiblehetOTP. Squeeeeee!

sg-1 for the very first time

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