
Jan 22, 2005 19:47

Tiny moment of personal triumph: sd_herald friended me.

But oh man, I have to read a book for medical anthro by Monday and write a book report on it. Dude. Yuck. I have totally been procrastinating this assignment for a month. I have sooo much to do. *dies* I still owe Nana a thank you note for Christmas. *spaz and twitch*

Oh God. This is ridiculous. I just signed up for an eighth ficathon. ( Buffyverse femslash).

Currently signed up for: Fluffython (status: finished, need to edit heavily.) Giles birthday ficathon (status: started fic.) Giles Ficathon (Status: thought about assignment), Fred/Willow essay for ship_manifesto (status: thought about it). femslash05, the Buffyverse Femslash, Fresely ficathon, and Ethan ficathon. Not to mention four classes and two senior theses that I've hardly started on.


Girl... call me and we can talk for a bit before I plunge into the anthro reading?
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