fic: Giles/Daniel

Dec 20, 2004 08:10

Title: Much Like Macedonia
Fandom: Buffy: the Vampire Slayer x Stargate: SG-1 (remember that show? big round spinny thing?)
Pairing: Giles/Daniel
Rating: R
Spoilers: Vague backstory for both of them, nothing major.
Notes: This is, naturally, for buffyverse1000 which has eaten my brain for breakfast lunch and dinner.
Much Like Macedonia )

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Comments 23

teand December 20 2004, 20:03:03 UTC
Indeed a crossover that needed to be written.

Sighs happily. Thank you.


wisdomeagle January 1 2005, 01:30:35 UTC
*grin* You're welcome. Glad you liked.


jennixen January 12 2005, 11:05:59 UTC
Ohhhh, I SO loved this! Not only my tow fave characters but also, so beautifully written. Slow and beautiful. :)
Me likes!! :D


wisdomeagle January 12 2005, 22:47:45 UTC
Thanks! Glad you enjoyed. I love Daniel and Giles very much as well. :)


malnpudl July 23 2005, 02:09:49 UTC
Just perused the latest buffyverse1000 master list and saw that you'd written this pairing, so I had to come read.

Delightful. I love Giles and his secrets, Daniel and his raw newness. Tasty.


wisdomeagle July 23 2005, 02:21:17 UTC
Yay, thank you -- and thanks for linking in your LJ. Made me happy. :)


tafkarfanfic July 23 2005, 05:18:50 UTC
Oooooo. I didn't think I could find this pairing hot. But oooooo.

I would LOVE to see the AU in which Daniel becomes a Watcher.


wisdomeagle July 23 2005, 17:28:10 UTC
:) Thank you. Much as I love both of them, I have some difficulty squeeing over the pairing -- but I am glad you enjoyed the fic.


alixtii October 31 2009, 16:56:49 UTC
Ooh, that works really well, and is really well-written, with every word so deep with meaning and implication. Brilliantly executed crossover.


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