fic: Giles/Daniel

Dec 20, 2004 08:10

Title: Much Like Macedonia
Fandom: Buffy: the Vampire Slayer x Stargate: SG-1 (remember that show? big round spinny thing?)
Pairing: Giles/Daniel
Rating: R
Spoilers: Vague backstory for both of them, nothing major.
Notes: This is, naturally, for buffyverse1000 which has eaten my brain for breakfast lunch and dinner.
Much Like Macedonia )

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speakwrite_ December 20 2004, 18:50:00 UTC
wisdomeagle January 1 2005, 01:31:41 UTC
Yeah, 'Gate was my first, too. Once you're addicted, there is no tunring back.

Pfft. Age differences are a huge turn on, no need to deny it. :p

I'm glad you liked. Thanks for the fb. :)


speakwrite_ January 1 2005, 02:18:24 UTC
wisdomeagle January 1 2005, 09:04:12 UTC

But but but... how can you not like J/D? No, don't answer that question. I don't want to know how the heathen mind works. :p

But what pairings do you favor in 'Gate?


speakwrite_ January 1 2005, 21:32:38 UTC

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