sex, hunger, Thanksgiving, internet

Nov 20, 2004 14:11


Someone knocked on my door last night and requested I fill out this survey for her sex roles class...

The last question is "Do you practice any other forms of sexual deviancy that you'd like to share?"


Good morning, LJ. I went to bed early (eleven) last night and slept late (till one) and then spent an hour on LJ and now am hungry. So since I tragically have no food whatsoever, I'm going down to the grocery store. *cries*

Just got email from my aunt re: Thanksgiving. It seems to be everyone's "on again" year... guest list contains 24 people (well, actually, at least four of those people are in fact pets, just to confuse us, and some of those people are not arriving till later...) Three of my cousins seem to be bringing opposite sex SOs, with me and the fourth cousin bringing same sex SOs... the male count seems to be five, which is not bad, considering... one male cousin, two male SOs, my father, and a ten probably fifteen year old by now friend of the family. (Don't worry, gvambat, I can draw you a diagram. :p). I can't wait. I get to see my family AND my girlfriend and it will be squee-ish.

Aunt seems to think there will be grandchildren soon. I assume she means she will have grandchildren. Cousins? My dear sweet cousins? With children? *horrified* *pretends never to have heard of this*

I really, really desperately need to do homework this weekend. Possibly this may entail depositing my ethernet cord in a safe place, like cheese_munkey's room.

family matters, college is weird

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