the benefits of sleep, brief thoughts on the renewal of 'Gate

Nov 18, 2004 09:53

Mmm, morning on ten hours of sleep. So much more pleasing than morning on no hours of sleep, which is what usually attacks me. I got breakfast and still have two hours till I need to be in class.

Still have painfully large amounts of work I need to do, but at least now I have some potential energy with which to do it. Also, hot chocolate.

I'm itchy. I should probably take a shower. And put on some dry skin cream.

While I did not have ten billion fangirls emerge from the woodwork, evidently I do have some, which is pleasant and reasonable and very sweet. *hugs you all*

I keep on forgetting to mention that the Gateverse (both shows) got renewed for another season. The Gateverse has survived the rise and fall of all my other shows except tS and Buffy.

-Andromeda came and went
-Farscape came and went
-Dark Angel came and went
-Angel came and went
-Firefly (which isn't actually even one of my shows) came and went

and yet Stargate SG-1 lives on... I know lots of people have said all that needs to be said, but let me just let out an unmitigated squee. More Gateverse means something to live for.

Have I yet mentioned exactly how much work I have to do?

naps i have known and loved, everything gateverse

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