some advice for people who are even stupider than I am:

Oct 27, 2004 11:03

On the night before the class field trip to the funeral home, do not:
-drink lots of instant coffee at midnight
-stay up very, very late on a caffeine high while failing to actually get any work done
-in fact get only two hours of sleep
-eat no breakfast you still only have instant coffee in your stomach
-stand right next to the funeral director ( Read more... )

soc of death and dying, fainting spells

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Comments 10

sage_theory October 27 2004, 15:08:18 UTC

Poor Ari!

I say, take a page from the Rodney McKay playbook. It was not *fainting*. It was passing out.

And *hug* again. Oh god, you were thinking about Jeane. Dude, triple hug. Hug^10.

Yeah, I can see how anyone would pass out under those circumstances. And what about the embalming place made you think of Jeane? If that's not too personal.

I promise, that should I ever have to go visit an embalming room I'll get plenty of breakfast, sleep, and fresh air.

- Meg


wisdomeagle October 27 2004, 15:35:58 UTC
Yes. It was a MANLY passing out, too. *is sadly not large with the butch ( ... )


sage_theory October 27 2004, 15:42:14 UTC
Well, at least you didn't just go ass over teakettle and sprawl all over the floor totally K.O.'ed.

There's always that.

And *boggles*. They do that to bodies? Chicken wire. Oh, it's just not something that bears thinking about too much.

But hey, I'd've been the same way. And probably would've passed out even more embarassingly.

- Meg


wisdomeagle October 27 2004, 15:36:55 UTC
Oh, and PS? *huggles right back*


teand October 27 2004, 16:57:22 UTC
Up here in the great white north, we have embalming fluid that smells (more or less)like cherry kolaid.

"Why?" I asked the funeral director.
"Well," he said, "our association took a vote and it won out over lemon."

Sympathy on the fainting thing though! (And in an effort not to sound like your mother/aunt/older nosy female I won't point out that breakfast is the most important meal of the day)(See how I didn't point that out? *g*)


wisdomeagle October 27 2004, 17:07:55 UTC
Aww, thank you. And dude, it's like, motherly advice from Teand. *falls over and dies (but not literally this time!) of happiness, like, cos, you know, fangirls like mad*



! anonymous October 27 2004, 20:26:14 UTC
*hugses* duuuude! BAD re on the not eating! *smacks* you're eating a huuuge dinner now :P. and at least you got thesis committee (oh my god i can't spell) done! yaaay!
more *hugses*.
come poke!
(and *hiss*)


maching_monkey October 28 2004, 04:37:29 UTC
Oh, crap, Ari! You poor thing!

I hope you did indeed get a nap--and food!

Remind me to at least have breakfast the next time I go to a funeral home... :-)

Wishing you well,



wisdomeagle October 28 2004, 17:40:36 UTC
Got plenty of food, and a little bit of nap, and then nine hours of victory!sleep last night, and now, all is good.

here's hoping your next trip to a funeral home is a long time coming...



maching_monkey October 28 2004, 18:13:24 UTC
here's hoping your next trip to a funeral home is a long time coming...

I definitely hope so! Thank you.



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