Oct 12, 2004 21:49
OMG I haaate Kant. I'm just... livid. I am outraged by Kant's theology. I mean, I hate Kant's metaphysics in a very abstract, theoretical, must be a theory geek to understand sort of way.
And everyone hates Kant's moral theory.
But Kant's theology just leaves me livid. I quote from The Little Book o' Kanty Goodness:
"The worship due to God becomes reverence and devotion for the moral law. The faith that transcends belief becomes the certainty of practical reason that surpasses understanding. The object of esteem is not the Supreme Being, but the supreme attribute of rationality." -Roger Scruton. Kant: A Very Short Introduction. Oxford University Press, Oxford. 2001. (97)
That offends me so profoundly I can hardly even articulate how much I cannot stand that... God. MY GOD. My God whom I love and adore and venerate and worship and sing to and praise and whose beloved I am, who is my beloved, who loved the world so much that God took human form for me, is reduced to.. to moral law. To something that fits nicely into Kant's nice frelling little system where everything is divided into three little parts and there's the synthetic a priori that's just soooo beautiful and... Oh. my. GOD. HATE KANT.
Hate Kant and his stupid removal of all humanity, all emotion, all love from everything. Stupid bitter lonely dead white guy.
It's people like him who encourage feminist philosophers to go to the other extreme.
I go scream now. And see if I can find the Sox being slaughtered on TV. If there's one thing I hate more than Kant, it's the Yankees.