welcome (back) to the hellmouth

Aug 30, 2004 14:57

Made a couple of minor changes to my userinfo, including noting that I'm now a senior (senior!) at Baldwin, and removing the person-formerly-living-in-room-but-now-at-UVA from my info entirely yay!

So my room is pretty much like I left it at the end of last year, only with less stuff in it.

Classes so far are teh_sexx:

Contemporary Feminisms and Gender Theory is like the hottest class ever. Tiny (eight people), most of them presumably smart, an upper level class, and taught by a not unsexy professor. Hearing the Women's Studies professor say "queer" causes a mini-squee each time it happens. Whee!

Death and Dying looks a lot less pretensiously academic ::sad-face:: but it's pretty much a garuanteed A, and it could be worse.

Some left-over interview questions from sk8eeyore

1. If you could hang out with any religious/spiritual leader living today, who would it be, and what would you like to talk with them about? It would be my (former) ministerpeople, because I just love them that much, and I would talk to them about graduate school and whether they think I should go right away and things like that. I know this is a lame answer, but I really, really, really miss my ministerpeople.

2. How did your relationship with your girl begin?

I met Gvambat at orientation our first year of college, and we instantly hit it off. We really bonded the night we had the 9/11 memorial and we stayed out till curfew playing with wax and just talking. Our friendship grew that year, and we agreed to be roommates sophomore year.

After noreverchaste, my first girlfriend, broke up with me in January of 2003, I started spending a lot more time with Gvambat, who was my roommate at the time, watching TV with her, bitching to her about my life, etc. At the time I was dating Sumita (if_), but once I started spending so much time with Gvambat, whom I knew in real life, my relationship with Sumita suffered, and eventually we ended it by mutual consent when I realized that I had a big, big crush on Gvambat. This was June 2003.

Gvambat had been accepted as a transfer student at a college in Ohio, and it was the realization that I wasn't going to have her around anymore that forced me to realize just how important she was to me. Later that summer, I spent three weeks with Gvambat at her home in Kansas, and over that time I confessed that I was in love with her, and we discussed (mostly through notes, being the introverts that we are, see below) how we felt about each other and how we were going to deal with our friendship once she wasn't in Virginia anymore.

We continued exchanging letters during the fall of '03, and eventually decided that among the many other things we were to each other, we were also girlfriends.

3. Does being an introvert make it difficult for you to deal with everyday interactions/tasks that most other people wouldn't think twice about? Oh, absolutely. If so, how do you deal with that? Well, I think I just avoid a lot of things that most people would do (like I've only once gotten a sandwich for lunch at school because I don't want to tell the nice sandwich-making people what I want to eat), and at times when I need to talk to people, I tend to build up a lot of momentem and use that energy; the beginning of the school year is a prime example. I know I need to talk to lots of people, have lots of tasks to be accomplished, and so I just do a HUGE slew of errands and then veg for a long time. I use reward systems, constantly remind myself of the pay-off if I do something, how much I'll enjoy the results.

4. What Buffy character would you most enjoy being hugged by? Giles, for sure. I mean, Willow is absolutely adorable, but there's nothing to her; she'd just slip through my arms. And besides, adult? teacher-crush. Yum.

5. Are there any religious/spiritual books you highly recommend? Coming Out Through Fire by Leanne Tigert, about being a queer Christian, and any books of exegesis by Phyllis Trible, who really makes the most scholarly analysis sing with story-telling.

So, speaking of sexy professors and being hugged by Giles (see question 4), pretty English teacher sightings! Three of them! And she said hi to me! Rawr! One of the things I missed over the summer and hadn't even thought about in forever.

The plan for the rest of the day is 1) get picture taken for new ID, 2) meeting with the class marshalls for a convocation rehearsal, 3) dinner, hopefully encounter someone with car to give me a ride to storage, 4) vegetation, possibly go over Z's, hopefully unlimited-nights-and-weekends-phone-call with the girl.

Oh, dining hall cherry coke that tastes like water, how I missed you! Oh, over-priced textbooks, how I missed you! Oh, dining hall food, how much I didn't miss you. (We've decided we're all going to starve to death)

Oh, I have $2000 now on account of a screw-up with finances, so I feel rich.
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