remember that show I used to watch, Stargate or something?

Aug 20, 2004 23:19

Beaucoup les SPOILERS pour "Poisoning the Well" et "Affinity." (avec les petites spoilers pour "Childhood's End" et "Chimera")

OMG we actually watched them when they aired. Which we really need to not do anymore, because the previews for next week's eps and PK Wars need to be avoided, and I don't think we can take that kind of stress.

Anyhow, "Poisoning the Well" was decent. Thankful they didn't erase the moral dilemma at the end like they did last week. Liked that they did a Beckett episode, loves me some McKay, imagined Jack saying all of Shepherd's lines and that helped, and am really liking Weir. Part of it is just that she came over from 'Gate, but I do like her and can sympathize with her role... much, much more symapthetic than early Hammond. (Saw tiny bits of CotG earlier today and went "whoa!" They've grown up a lot!)

But "Affinity" was the show-to-remember tonight. They need to do this oh, once a season. Remind us of where our characters are.

When "Chimera" aired, I wished Sam/Pete had been the B-plot and they'd let Daniel and Osiris be the A-plot. This time, I actually liked the Sam/Pete arc better, but I suppose the Teal'c arc leant itself better to an action-y plot.

So. Teal'c. Like Krista much better than I like Ishta, but Teal'c really. really. needs to learn something about fidelity. Okay, the training together was hot, and she was way less annoying than Ishta. Still. I dunno how I feel about Teal'c this season, except hating the hair. This ep: not as good as "Changeling," though similar themes... *shrug* Sucks to be Teal'c.

Sam. We went "awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!" with happiness when she said yes. Not because we're especially 'shippers (we aren't) but because we are hopelessly romantic saps. So we went "Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww" and I'm glad she said yes. I am.

I don't hate Jack/Sam that much, do I?

Yeah, I do. And the thing is, the Jack-and-Sam scene, I thought was... I dunno. It's sad. Tragic, even. It's one of those things that's not going to happen and I'm glad it's not going to happen but still I see the wistfulness there. Or something. But Sam handing Jack the ring. I go, "Subtle, Pete DeLuise," but it was. I mean, I dunno.


So, since these guys are ex-NID, does that mean they're answering to my favoritest ex-NID agent? Pleeeeease?

A reminder not to post spoilers for unaired eps in the comments, love you all, W/G fic will be online in an hour or two.

'lantis for the very first time, sg-1 for the very first time

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