a snappy new day

Aug 12, 2004 15:59

-going to check to see if the utility bill is indeed as exhorbitant as it seems.
-then ice cream!
-miss people. People should come back.
-between "Villains" and "Tomorrow" in massive Buffy&Angel rewatchathon.
-am writing backup fic for the W/G ficathon.
-have begun the scary crossover plotbunny pairing of DOOOOOM fic. Ethan/Maybourne. Theirloveissoselfserving.
-going back to Kansas in a week.
-not really thinking about it.
-still trying to avoid spoilers for B:tVS S7 and AtS S4 and AtS s5.
-at some point I will have thoughts on Stargate S8, and possibly share those thoughts with the rest of you.
-I miss 'Gate. Why did the Jossverse have to steal my brain?
-I was propositioned on the streets of our small college town the other night and have never been so freaked in my LIFE. YUCK.
-one more week of church here, then... who knows?
-will email/write/etc... at some point.
-saw Ocean's 11.
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