a bit of silliness:

May 31, 2004 19:26

Un-Jack/Samness, in the Changeling-verse...

Jack was a fireman. Sam was a firewoman. "Wow," said Sam. We don't have any chemistry in this universe either."

"You're right!" said Jack. "Also, it would still be highly unethical for us to have a relationship, as we're still in a chain of command, of sorts."

"Huh," said Sam. They had sex, Sam got pregnant, they got married, and they had five children named Daniel, Janet, George, Jonas, and T. Sam thought T was a stupid name for a kid, so she and Jack had a big fight resulting in lots of thrown crockery and a broken pipe organ. In the end, Sam got custody of the kids while Jack went to brood by his lake in Minnesota, and their romantic entanglement not only broke up the squad, it was directly responsible for the deaths of two children, as they were too busy bickering to rescue them.

The moral of the story is: don't let romantic interests interfere with professional obligations.

Any attempts at an actual update would be absolutely ridiculous, so I won't even try.
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