going to hell, I am

Apr 30, 2004 04:17

I am:
-writing Sam/Hammond in a non-ironic, non-funny, dead-on serious way. Cause I just believe. And Sam is being an incredible idiot. I love my fic!Sam when she's being stupid and taking random, crazy risks. She's great.

-not going to sleep ever again (not really)

-listening to Raffi

-reading LotRiPS (God dammit, they're just too cute! I hate their stupid cuteness. I think I might need a "stupid cute OTP" Dom/Billy icon, following splash_the_cat's example [with text, not with succumbing to the evil that is RPS.])

-still not asleep

-probably wrong about Sam's character, anyhow

-spamming LJ

-cold and not asleep!

edited because I went ahead and made the damn icon. Goddamn their stupid cuteness!
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