1. Four years. More than anything, am amazed that I survived. I did. Four years ago I didn't think I could keep on breathing, and here I am, and okay, maybe the world isn't exactly right, but I'm mostly happy, and I've endured. And I'm stronger because of it. Four years. And you know what? It does get easier. (Of course, I'll probably have a break-down mid-week, but... for now, I don't care. I'm still here.)
2. I need to do homework. Desperately needing to do homework here. *growls* I am having a very difficult time forcing myself to work. I think I might go over to Z's and spend the evening there attempting to be productive.
3. I finished Wind in the Willows. I honestly can only think of one novel that has more subtextual slash, and that's Lord of the Rings. And even that has canon het. This doesn't. It's all about the boylove. TheirloveissoS&m. I found myself actually caring about the characters, a lot, as viewed through my totally perverse filter of dominance and submission. Not so much with the pain as with the... submission. Consensual, through and through. But obvious power structures, and this strong emphasis on the need for good, caring, firm, intelligent tops. It was.. mind-blowing. I loved it.
gvambat will be here in a weeeeeeek! *squees* Hence, the needing to do homework now. But... just one week! *squees some more* And the new minister has promised to try to get in touch with me again, so we shall see. *puts on best little girl lost face*
& now, to brave the terrible world of homework and calling Z.
love to