1) What is your favorite part of pro conventions? Never been to one. So, uh, convention reports with pictures of pretty, pretty actors kissing each other?
2) What is your favorite part about fan run conventions? Never been to one.
3) What is your favorite ship (slash or het)? Holmes/Watson.
4) What is your favorite fan fic (net or zine)? Probably
"Time Enough" by Teand. It might not be the best-written fic ever, but I keep coming back to it.
5) What is your favorite piece of fan art? "A Slip of Metal," which you can find in the Jack/Daniel section on
this site.
1) How do you deal with being so far away from loved ones (and I don't mean just family) Very, very badly. You know, even before I got into an LDR, I'd been doing the whole angsty needy not being with the people I loved thing. And it's always sucked. I mostly retreat into my inner world and ignore the outside world and live a daydream life most of the time. Healthy, in't it?
2) Ever miss me? :p Yes. :)
3) How strongly do you feel being queer has affected the course of your life? Very strongly. Mostly because it all ties together. If I hadn't been queer, I wouldn't have gotten as much shit as I did in high school, wouldn't have been so eager to leave. If I hadn't been queer, I wouldn't have been so eager and willing to leave a co-ed environment and go to a place full of other queer girls. And if I weren't queer, I wouldn't have had the same relationship drama I've had, wouldn't have joined QT, wouldn't have found LJ... so I'd say it's a pretty central part of most of the life decisions I've made.
4) Exactly what religion are you? I know you're christian and that you're not catholic like me so exactly what heretic sect do you belong to? (ha.. sorry humor from my AP history class where every christian sect that isn't Catholic was called heretic in the time we're studying. And yes I know I'm a dork for finding that really funny.) Well, I'm a Protestant Christian. My denomination is called the United Church of Christ, and it was formed about half a century ago when several small denominations merged. It's part of the congregational tradition, which means each local congregation is pretty autonomous. The church I'm a member of was originally Dutch Reformed; the church I grew up in was dually aligned with the American Baptist Churches USA.
Which is all a lot of names and vague, uncertain history... I'm UCC, which is a liberal protestant denomination, and I guess that's as good a summary as anything.
5) Do you believe that parents should be allowed to spank children? Within reason of course, not involving paddles etc but only their hand. Yes. Not because I think spanking is an especially good idea (I don't. I was never spanked, and I think I'm none the worse for it) but I believe that parents should, within reason, be allowed to raise their children as they see fit. Since there's no real evidence that spanking is seriously harmful to children, I don't see why it should be made illegal.