1 - Leave a comment, saying you want to be interviewed.
2 - I will respond; I'll ask you five questions.
3 - You'll update your journal with my five questions, and your five answers.
4 - You'll include this explanation.
5 - You'll ask other people five questions when they want to be interviewed.
Questions from
divagypsy1. What's your favorite thing about your school?
PEG, the Program for the Exceptionally Gifted. It admits girls any time after they finish eighth grade, and it has saved the lives and sanity of more gifted youth than I can count--me included. The existence of PEG covers a multitude of sins, in my book.
2. You're hired to fix Andromeda - you get to pick one point during the series run, toss out all episodes after that, and rewrite it all. What episode is your stopping point; where do you think it all started going wrong? 2x12, "Ouroboros." See, I'm slightly biased on this one; I was taught to hate all things Dylan before I even started watching the show. But in my stolen-from-
gvambat-opinion, RHW should be unfired, Trance should be purple, and the Commonwealth arc should not be bloody abandoned. Nor should the Magog Worldship arc, or the megalomaniac!Dylan arc. Oh, and Trance's tail should come back, and all characters should be in character.
3. How would you end Stargate? Ooh, tough one. See,
gvambat has been telling me since before I can remember that she likes shows to end with the idea that the stories continue. So, SG-1 (original team, as you all know by now) still goes through the 'gate every week, so--nothing changes. No 'ship gets made canon, no one gets married, no one dies, no one goes to live on Abydos forever. Anubis is gone, because he's boring. But the System Lords are still out there.
Everyone has something to live for, something to do. Everyone is relatively happy. But it's not perfect, because nothing ever is. There's enough subtext for everyone.
Alternate, totally shallow response: Jack retires and kisses everyone from Hammond to Teal'c in a final gesture of goodwill. :)
4. Favorite musical act and why? Must confess at this point that I've never actually seen any group perform live, which sort of leaves me without much to go on... currently my favorite group of all time is the Trans-Siberian Orchestra, because Beethoven's Last Night is incredibly, amazingly, unbelievably beautiful.
5. Where would you like to live once you finish school? Wherever
gvambat is, which means probably Ohio for at least a year. Probably not the south, but anywhere else is fair game. I'm considering graduate school in California at the moment, but that's subject to change at any moment.... The real answer, as I said, is wherever Gvambat is. Other details are non-essential. :)
So, who wants to be interviewed? (Please specify whether you mind fairly personal questions or not; I don't want to ask anyone anything ze's uncomfortable answering.)