
Jan 20, 2004 12:00

Wow. This morning's episode of The Sentinel was a brain-breaker. First we have Rebecca Rigg(s) (fucking Gray'za) guest starring as the bimbo of the week. And then there's Elisabeth Rosen (bloody Jennifer Hailey) playing a sixteen year old druggie who throws herself off a bridge.

Not to mention that the main special effect reminds me quite strongly and unrelentingly of what it looks like when someone's being ribboned.

I also watched "Sandovall's Run," an episode of Earth: Final Conflict. I ♥ it so much.

It was a good morning. Two hours of sci-fi, hot chocolate, and I meandered up to the bookstore to buy decongestant, tissues, and chapstick. I'm good to go. My congestion seems to have moved from my nose to my throat, which hopefully is a good thing and doesn't mean I'm coming down with bronchitis like I did last year.

I have finished all my homework for today, sort of, though I did a sort of half-ass job of it, and I really cannot write a short story under time pressure. I should have started sooner, and I shouldn't have decided to reward myself with a phone call for finishing. Bad ideas all around. *sighs*

Going to reread the story, maybe do a quick edit on it, and then write my last journal entry for this week for Writing. That class will kick my ass if I don't take it seriously.

acquisitiveness, illness, the sentinel, guest starrage

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