HP fic thoughts

Jan 07, 2004 14:24

I'm reading HP fanfic. I've been doing that lately, instead of homework or reading LotR. And I've discovered just what aldalindil meant with her poll about how OotP affected your ficverse. Because it's simply not possible to read fics where Sirius's whole family has been Ravenclaw or where Hogwarts isn't connected to the Floo Network. It's not the denialfic or the random guesses for futurefic (And, uh, Harry dated Ginny in his sixth year, that's right! And Ron dated Lavender, and then the OTP happened) but the backstory that got invented wrong and... gah. How do you people do it without sporking your eyeballs out? I guess when you've had two years or whatever to absorb the first four books, it's easier to remember that not everyone knew Sirius's backstory, or who Fletcher was, or how Harry would deal with the events at the end of GoF, or that they don't use stitches in the Wizarding World.

*relieved that her fandom of choice has an open canon, but not one with big surprises or drastic backstory coming, unless they really throw us for a loop* And they won't. I mean, they just won't.

my fannish history, harry potter

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