guest stars

Jan 06, 2004 10:48

The sci-fi guest star of the day is Gary Chalk (sometimes credited as Garry Chalk). He is Bad Guy of the Week on tS's "Reunion," but more to the point, he is... Dark Angel's Lt. Walter Eastep and Stargate SG-1's beloved Colonel Chekov. ::boggle:: ::boggle:: ::boggle:: ::brainhead::

Incidentally, this morning's tS guest stars all appear to be voice actors. American voice actors for (presumably) badly dubbed anime. Somehow, this doesn't give me a warm tingly feeling.

Today is the first day of school. My first class is in two and a half hours or so.

Bonus! Yesterday's sci-fi guest star of the day was Megan Leitch, who in addition to being Sam Mulder and Ke'ra, is the bimbo botanist of the week in tS's "Flight."

::boggle:: ::boggle:: ::boggle::

guest starrage

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