say what?

Dec 21, 2003 16:39

Today I spent far too much time reading f_w and far little time working my stargate_santa project. I also discovered that the CD had, indeed, decided to be a bastard, so my gift will consist entirely of fic (it seems very likely). And not very good fic, at that.

Still no clue what to do about my happy Christmas fic. Given the number of fanda I have and the number of pairings I support, you'd think I could write one happy fic, but apparently not.

Will read The Cardinal Sins by Andrew Greeley. In all probability, will slash it. *pokes Blackie/Sean plot bunny that will not die but will not be written, either.*

Apparently, I'm spending Christmas Eve here. Dad and the brat will be here. I'll live.

Oh! Oh! OH! We bought tickets for spring break!!! Had a battle with my conscience over whether seven extra hours was worth hassling PEG for a ride at around midnight. Alas, my better self appears to have won out; my flight is at noon and gets in at four.

(Actually, the whole thing seems to have been a fight between my better and worse halves. The worse half is the one saying "return flight? What return flight? You don't need a frelling return flight!")

Christmas is soon! It crept up on me; I was so busy freaking out about final exams.

Right, so must go back to writing fic and trying not inadvertantly kill characters. 'Cause that would be bad.

greeleyverse, ficathon addiction, trip planning, stupid writer brain

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