
Dec 18, 2003 12:07

Nightmare: my mother is getting remarried. I don't find out that my parents are divorcing until the day before the wedding. My mother wants me to read a prayer at the wedding. I don't smile. My dad is about to cry. Why is he there? Why is she doing this? Somehow, Cynthia is involved. I don't understand that, either. Is she officiating at the ceremony? Or did she somehow give my mom the impression that it was okay to do this? gvambat also showed up, like she does. Like she belongs in my life and isn't important for the plot but is just there. I don't remember all the details. I remember fear.

the Sentinel is my new crack. Gah. I'm not ashamed to admit I'm only in it for the slash, though I'm trying to follow the plot, if there is one, beyond "get Jim and Blair naked and shagging as soon as possible." And there's het. Luckily, an almost year in the Stargate fandom has taught me to deny canon het with a right good will.

Feel sort of disconnected. Read about forty pages of Hawaii last night but probably won't finish. Actually, I kind of feel like reading LotR, given all the hype surrounding this... whatever it was. Some media tie-in. Kind of fuzzy on the details. Legolas dies. (Couldn't help myself, sorry.) Anyhow, don't have the books here, of course, nor do I have Sherlock Holmes, nor any other good source material. I wrote a draft of one fic for stargate_santa but don't really think one seven page fic is much of a Christmas present. Will try to write more.

It's almost Christmas. Somehow, I still can't believe this. Christmas. Like, December 25. Like, carols and bells and tinsel and presents and baby Jesuses in cr[alt 138]ches. In, what, a week? Less than a week? Something like that? Weirdness.

Someone will be done with finals today! Someone will be done with finals today! Hey... someone... do you want to beta this fic for me? I'm in need of reassurance about the entire middle four pages or so.

SG-1 musicvids are like... yay. Very yay. I can download vids all day and then watch them and bitch about what I don't like about them.

I will try to accomplish something today.

invisible sarcasm font, ficathon addiction, divorce, lotr, dreams, the sentinel, spoilerphobia

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