I've been trying to decide whether to jump into the Stargate fandom. So far, I've just been lurking, reading fic, writing fic to be shared only with my roommate, occsaionally lurking on a messageboard, playing with musicvids, stuff like that. But I'm still just an observer. And I really, really want to jump in, but I'm afraid, because the internet does fucking terrible things to my soul. Like, really terrible now I must delete the internet things.
We're going back to MA soon. Yay. Can't wait.
The really good news--my roommate is coming to visit on July 4th!! Three day weekend! SQUEE! Two weeks! Squee!
vespertine_ for helping me to avoid spoilers. At some point, I really will read the book, I swear.
This is a nifty musicvid. I hearby announce that all of you must become Stargate addicts, so you'll understand what I'm talking about 90% of the time.
My sister is being a complete and total brat. *bites her*
We talked for three hours last night! We used up two of her phone cards and one of mine, which had 33 minutes left on it. We totally disected Fragile Balance, then we sort of wandered onto everything else on earth.
hate sister. love roommate.