[drabble] "Hungry Angry Lonely Tired" [fandom is my fandom]

Jan 11, 2013 15:22

Title: "Hungry Angry Lonely Tired"
Fandom: panfandom/fandom is my fandom/meta-fandom
Rating: Teen
Content notes: Underage sexuality. Character death. No other standard notes apply.
Spoilers: S6 of Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Summary: Fandom as emotion play. Part of a
kink_bingo tiny bingo.
Wordcount: 100

for boys who read Redwall and lusted
after acorn pasties and hotroot soup and meadowcream
beets and turnips and mushrooms they'd never eat

for girls who threw soft things at the screen
when Tara died and almost broke the joystick
when their virtual car spun into a virtual wall

for all of us, alone, the only
awkward geeky babyqueer bookworm
hiding in the bathroom with
Alan(na) of Trebond
Claudia Kishi
or the Boy-Kid-Girl-Who-(despite-it-all)

falling asleep to the lullaby
of popslash bandom Fall Out Boy
Mulder, Xena, Uhura between our legs
private, sleepy fantasies that become
dreams for each other

Also at DW: http://wisdomeagle.dreamwidth.org/1155099.html. Comment here, or join the conversation there, where there is/are

my drabbles, kink_bingo, the fannish experience

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