[briefly] dear femslash12 author

Oct 08, 2012 17:15


Hi! I have a houseguest right now and a chronic spoons issue, but I don't have anything too additional to say. I love femslash of all kinds! Dear Author, I Am Delightfully Bizarre is my Dear Author tag and covers ficathons for the past several years; my general likes and dislikes haven't changed much over the years. (Nor have my specific feels about fandoms.) I'm easy to please and difficult to squick. I will be delighted with whatever you write for me.


ps: I know that almost-blank Dear Author letters aren't terribly helpful, but basically, if you are wondering, "Is x okay?" the answer is yes. I promise.

Also at DW: http://wisdomeagle.dreamwidth.org/1141004.html. Comment here, or join the conversation there, where there is/are

femslash annual, dear author: i am delightfully bizarre

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