[communion] SGA

Nov 12, 2011 21:24

So I baked -- banana bread and corn muffins -- and watched SGA (S1 through "Childhood's End").

The thing about SGA is, I think I will never think of it as my show, in that tolerant, adoring, "oh show, how so ridiculous" way that I feel, e.g., about BtVS or SG-1. Gvambat never really got into SGA, which started airing at a time when my fannish experience was very much a shared-with-girlfriend experience, and I have still not seen past the middle of S2 (for some reason my rewatches always cease right around "The Eye," perhaps because I know that nothing can possibly be more amazing).

So, as you know, Amy-and-or-Bob*, my SGA OTP is McKay/Weir. I am sometimes a little afraid when rewatching that I'll discover there was less of the delicious McKay/Weir stuff that I love than I remembered, but so far this has not turned out to be the case. (Of course, a lot of what this pairing consists of in my head is "oh, Rodney's totally getting spanked tonight," so.) So that's delightful, getting to bounce up and down as I rediscover how much I love them.

*you probably know what "As you know, Bob" means (and if you don't, have an innocent link to an explanation! [warning: tv tropes. I lied about the innocent]). "As you know, Amy" is the female equivalent. I suppose "As you know, Pat," is the gender-neutral equivalent?

The other delightful thing is this thing we call communion. I had a prof in grad school who explained the communion that we experience as Christians as being kind of like this: I see a thing in a store that I have no interest in personally, but I know that my bff would love it, so I see it through her eyes and love it because of the communion we share.

That's what fandom is like for me. It's watching SGA and part of me hates Sparky, because it plays with a lot of tropes that squick me, but the biggest part of me is experiencing with mylittleredgirl et al and while I don't actually ship Sheppard/Weir and never will I... see it and am happy because of the communion that I share with people who do. Or noticing the Teyla/Bates and thinking of scrollgirl, and it's more than thinking, "Oh, Scroll would (does) like this," it's thinking, "I like this because of the relationships I share with people who like this."

Communion, it's pretty awesome, guys.

(The distance to McKay/Sheppard is a bit further. I'm not sure I even remember why so bitter and resentful about it; I've grown more fannishly tolerant in the many intervening years, but the bitterness is still there. Fandom is not a zero-sum game, but sometimes it feels like that, I guess.)

sga in review, people: gvambat, baking, communion, mcweir, my fannish experience

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