this is why my parents kept me

Aug 28, 2010 00:24

I am going through my archives in search of fodder for presenting my spiritual journey to my Sunday school class on Sunday.

I did find a lovely Kindergarten picture of "Jeszus roz" -- I chosen the Marken version, featuring an angel (smiling beatifically), an empty tomb (black tomb with a big round hole, and the stone that has been rolled away from said hole; hole is, indeed, empty), and a woman (sore, sore afraid. Also wearing slacks, because Magdalene was a right-on anachronistic woman). There is another smaller figure in the background that is presumably one of the male disciples, keeping his distance.

I should point out that the first illustration in this particular journal is of a "Rainbow Castle." Let it never be said I didn't know where I wanted to live when I grew up!

I also found Baby's First Romance Story. It is epistolary.

To boy.

Af you war a knight. I wd lik to Be A Dgirn. Love glal.
[if you were a knight, I would like to be a dragon. Love, girl."

It is lovingly illustrated with a ginormous green dragon immolating a small figure in the corner that must, from context, be a knight.

D'aww, fairy tale romance!

artwork, tales from the archives, i have no history, queer for life!, easter, childhood

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