yeah, I will be spending lots of time at this journal this summer

Jul 28, 2009 10:17

Thank you all for your comments re: antlerfail2009.

I understand it's IBARW. Let's play cliff-shag-marry, v. CoC/PoC.
[List three people of color, real or fictional and I'll choose one to toss over the cliff, one to shag, and one to marry. Then I'll give you three people, and it's lots of fun.]

(In case you're wondering, the thing I'm procrastinating on is writing a sermon. I'm preaching and presiding at worship this coming Sunday; I've preached and led services plenty o'times but just realized I've never presided over Communion. That's kind of exciting.)

church: abiding peace, ibarw, abusing teh flist, procrastination, cliff shag marry

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