Title: "Downhill From Here"
Fandom: Stargate: SG-1
Pairing: Jack/Daniel
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Marital infidelity
Spoilers/Timeline: After S8. Ish.
Notes: For
prehistoric_sea in the
Summary: But he makes hungry where most he satisfies -- Shakespeare, alt.
Wordcount: ~1000
when they were younger )
Comments 41
The first not-really-section, when they were young, is absolutely beautiful. Before Daniel cut his hair. Just ... *ded*. Too much hearts.
They want to fuck all night, Jack pinned against the wall and Daniel bearing down on him, reminding him that he's a person and a body, that he has mass and weight and nerve-endings. Daniel wants to fuck off-world into Jack, wants to kiss him with adventure and suck him off with Gate-travel.
Guh. GUH. I so totally want to gorge on SG-1 right now, for srs.
"You've never been mature, Jack."
"So I reached the point early. I'm precocious."
Smirk. Oh, Jack. :D
Wowwowwow. So much good. You are *so* good at this. <3
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This is gorgeous. There's lots of ways to do Jack and Daniel but the best ways are what you've done here, just accepting them the way they are. They have sex with other people, Jack gets old, Daniel gets tough, Jack's memories of adventure fades and Daniel's too much a junkie for it and tries to make Jack remember.
The conversation about Jack's maturity and need for sarcasm is just spot on.
Well done :-D
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