i haz internetz!

Nov 24, 2008 14:57

Have been starting computer with progressively more services running (thanks, Windows, for useful utilities). The wireless causes instant BSOD, but apparently I can plug directly into the modem and internet from the floor of the bedroom (and google for solutions. Oh, plz, Mr. or Ms. Computer, do not be borked forever. (Dad's like, if it is borked, you should probably get a new machine because it might be really expensive to fix and you'll STILL have a 4.5 year old computer). He said he'd ask one of his work buddies.)

Probably unrelated to BSOD borkdom, I seem to have a (relatively harmless) Trojan that I and AntiVir Guard can't delete.


Little later: Dad called back with advice from workbuddy for deleting the Trojan and potential advice for fixing the wireless card. \o/ Off to do those things first, I think, and then I will check LJ to make sure you're all not dead.

ari vs. technology

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