[nb: Prop 8 passed. Some of these are more hope than fact. There's still work to be done, and someday, the whole multiverse will participate in equality marriage.]
Equality Marriage
[BSC, Mary Anne/Kristy (Mary Anne + Dawn). G. After all these years, still my only. For
"You're going to cry," my sister said.
"I always cry at weddings."
"Yeah but -- it's *your* wedding. Can't you can get through your vows at least?"
I thought about Kristy -- from holding my hand while we walked to SES to first kiss, first fight, first break-up and first reunion. Up and down and it had come to this, in my old bedroom, my stepsister doing my hair and Dad downstairs, ready to walk me down the aisle of our backyard to the arbor of roses where Kristy waited, my bride --
"Probably not, but -- Kristy will understand."
[SGA/AtS, Fred/Elizabeth. G. An issue of deepest importance. For
"So we're thinking chocolate cake," concludes Fred. "But we're open to suggestions." Fred's joyful grin eats her whole face, and Elizabeth bites her lip to keep *her* smile on the inside.
"We'll discuss the finer details later," Elizabeth explains. "We just wanted you two to know. Before -- before we break the news to --"
"The entire Atlantis deployment of the United States Air Force?"
"Hush," says Fred. "We're thinking about that tomorrow. Today, we're planning cake."
"Vanilla," puts in Rodney. "No lemon."
"Chocolate," counters Sheppard, and Elizabeth's hidden smile hurts her face, that this is what they're arguing over.
The Union of Allied Planets:
[BtVS/Firefly. River/Tara. PG. A promise means forever. For
neon_ethos. This drabble has been remixed as
Understand by
"It's just a slip of paper."
"A promise, though. Forever."
"Paper doesn't last." River thinks. "Nor people. They disintegrate. Decay. Wormfood."
"But love doesn't. Love," Tara ponders hard, knowing River's right there in her pondering. "Love's more than a lifetime."
"You loved the other girl."
"I still do."
"Why wed the second best?"
"Second loved isn't second best, River. I'll never not love Willow, and I'll never love her more than -- than the promises of *us*."
"A Shepherd's ceremony's more binding than what you said to her in bed?"
"If it's offered in faith, it will be."
"Then... yes."
[SG-1. Jack/Daniel. PG-13. Sometimes it's hard to remember; some things you never forget. For
Daniel quizzes Jack, "You're sure you'll remember what you have to say?"
"I just have to say *yes*, right?"
"Right. But I'm worried -- you know, with the senility. That you might forget."
"And say no, I don't want to have you and hold you and fuck you and love you in sickness and health and wealth and poverty and on every planet in the Stargate network?"
"I'm just worried."
"You worry too much, Daniel. We'll be fine."
"It's not every day you willingly participate in a ritual."
"Once -- twice -- in a lifetime --"
They'll both remember. Yes.
United Kingdom:
[BtVS. Giles/Xander. (Willow + Xander), G. Second time charm. For
Willow frowns at Xander's tie.
"What's bugging you?"
"You don't approve."
"How could I be all judgey when --"
"You've been gay longer?"
"Nah. I crushed on Giles first."
"You weren't first."
"But you always -- with the old -- and the male -- and --"
"The denial?"
"So why're you bugged?"
"The last time you tried this --"
"That was different."
"Because of the demon? Because I was twelve-stepping and Buffy was tripping?"
"Because Giles'll be there."
"And Giles is different from Anya how?"
"Giles -- Giles'll make sure I do the right thing."
[BtVS. Anya/Willow. PG-13. Maybe if Willow made a wish? For
azarsuerte"*Why*?" demands Anya.
"People are scared of what's unusual," Willow explains.
"It's not unusual. Not more than dating a dead person, or making a sex robot. There aren't laws against *those*."
"...True. But people keep quiet about them."
"I would keep quiet about us if we could get married."
"We could have a ceremony. Just us and Aphrodite?"
"Aphrodite provides intangible blessings. The State of California provides tax incentives. Or it *would*, if voters --"
"I'm upset too, okay. But there's nothing to do now."
"We can have sex."
"That won't help."
"No. But it will make me feel better."