[drabbles] for great justice

Nov 04, 2008 15:34

If you voted NO on 8 in California today, donated to NO on 8 (whether personally or by volunteering your services through livelongnmarry), or did phonebanking for NO on 8, request a same-sex pairing (and/or a pairing involving a trans* character), and I'll write a wedding drabble. I'll take requests until I leave for my returns watch party.

You know what this isn't? NaNo is what it isn't.

ETA: And I'm off! Thanks for the prompts, guys, and thanks so much for voting, donating, and volunteering. I'll post the drabbles later. I hope we'll have good news from California!

From the heart of Queer Nation,

voting, queer for life!, procrastination, fic-on-demand

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