(no subject)

Dec 03, 2007 01:47

so besides the normal sounds of finals crunch, not a terrible lot has happened in the past month or so. One major thing did, however. I think my dad and I have finally begun to truly patch things up. The weekend after my birthday, he drove up from Virginia with the specific purpose of seeing my sister Heather and I for our birthdays. No other agenda. Just to see us. I think I have finally absorbed a realization I had with my mom a while ago, but this time with my father: that he is a human being too. A man. One who's feelings and ambitions may have absolutely nothing to do with me. We all recognize this, of course, but sometimes it takes some time to realize it. How often those two words are mistaken to be synonymous. Anyways, I had a really great time with him. And for the first time ever, I shed some tears simply because I miss him. He told me he was proud of me. He's never told me that before. Just those four words: "I'm proud of you", struck deeper than anything he's ever said to me or done for me. I feel like I can finally forgive him for so many of the things that he did and didn't do that hurt me very deeply when I was living with him. I felt a great weight lifted from me. Since then, minus my money issues and a few social issues, I have felt better about everything else in my life. I feel good about the direction I'm going. The hurt will never completely go away, but this is a step in the right direction.

I had an awesome thanksgiving break. Spent a lot of time with davis, which was much needed. It's always great to hang out with him because he has a good grasp of the universe around him, or at the very least has the right kind of eye to see beyond the pale. Didn't get to see as much of chris. it's funny how he lives just outside of town and yet he's just far enough to make it impossible for either of us to hang out without motor transportation. Twas great to see family for thanksgiving. Uncle Pete was as pretentious as ever, but I've come to find it funny rather than obnoxious. I do wish he'd keep the family house up better though. There were mice droppings in the silverware drawer for bloody's sake. I'm really hoping that if at some point if I'm financially sound enough, to do some major work on that house. I dont think any of my friends, with the exception of maybe chris, have seen it. It's so beautiful. Every one of you would love it. But, Tim, Heather's boyfriend, is giving me his snowboard. A Burton limited edition prototype and i cant wait to get it and start learning how to snowboard. It'll be nice to be able to continue my season on a board because even though there isn't snow on the ground right now, it's too cold to longboard. You'd get frostbite just because of the wind from the speeds you pick up bombing the hills in burlington.

Looking forward to christmas break, very much. more time with friends and I'm going to Arizona for about two weeks. Won't be on the coast for New Year's festivities, but I'm sure you all will survive without me. I also just want this semester to be over. It has been quite a shitshow, in more areas than just academic, and im looking forward to new classes and fresh faces. Also, my theatre work is steadily increasing. I am now the Theatre Chair's right hand man on designing and drafting, which is very time consuming but I love the pressure. Makes me feel like I'm doing something important. I've also decided to declare a Sociology minor. I took a class on drugs in society this past semester, and I just fell in love with the theories and concept's we're learning and how amazing it is to see how they really do function in reality, and how our country's policy on so many things is decided. Really great stuff.

Musically I've finally started writing again. I'm the process of putting together about six or seven songs to record. All solo, acoustic, just me and the guitar type of stuff. I'm pretty stoked about it. Hopefully I'll have it done by the beginning of the summer. that's my goal. No sense in rushing it.

Well that's probably one of the longest entries I've ever made. However, I have fifteen hours to finish roughly twenty drawings, so I must continue my visual manifestation quest. See y'all on the flipside.
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