UW Oshkosh

Sep 04, 2003 22:18

So yeah, i've been up here since monday, and i've noticed a few things about the campus:

1. It's a kick ass campus, it's very attractive, they do a really good job of keeping the place looking nice.

2. The union is very nice, it's fairly new, and very arrractive looking. It's very modern looking. There are some awesome things in the union. A cool theater, the corner convience store, it's well... conviennent

3. Our campus is almost COMPLETLY white, middle class people. I may have seen like 10 or so people from other ethnicities. I'm not making a judgement here, meerly an observation.

4. The showers are too short for the average hobbit

5. The chairs in the Arts and Comm. Building were built for people with perfectally square butts.

6. Xpeditions is pretty cool, it's cool having an outdoor store inside your union.

7. Everyone here is preppy, everyone is afriad to express them selves.

8. Blackhawk commons is about the best campus 'eating place' that i've ever seen

9. As opposed to my previous campus, there are actually trees on this campus

10. The buckstaff planetarium dyno will be awesome, if i can ever do it!

11. You can get charged for neerly anything in the dorms. example: not flushing the toilet

12. Dorm rooms can get very messy in a big hurry (not that ours is!!!)

13. Melissa Warner from the Kitchen at camp is in the room right above us.

Well yeah, that's enough eyeballing the campus for now

See y'all latter

Dinger Monster
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