May 10, 2004 10:05
I went running this morning for the 1st time in months. My knee is A OK. I didn't go very far because I didn't want to lose my breakfast. I don't figure yogurt would taste too spectacular coming up.
Didn't do anything this weekend. Crappy. Well Saturday night I hung out with Sam. We were supposed to have gone to a strip club. He and his friend ran too many "errands" before hand. We ran through a couple of songs. Got about half way through them anyway.
I need to deposit my income tax return, and my paycheck. I finally figured out why I get paid every two weeks. Because the combined fortunes of two weeks accrewed in photo man land buffer one from the fact that I get paid squat, at first glance anyway. First I need to take a shower to stave off jungle rot. I guess I've been sitting around smelly and dirty for quite some time now.
Mother's day was nice. Another family get together. My Aunt and my cousin are both engaged to be married. The guys they're marrying are both pretty steady dudes.
An old biker type and a corporate exec type. The family takes all kinds.
I talked to my brother last night on the horn. He's a bus boy now. He makes more than I do. I then passed out, so now I'm in a daze again.
Regis and Kelly now sickens me. I don't watch to tube much anymore. I have a hard time paying attention to movies. I tried to watch 38 grams yesterday. It seemed pretty good, but not good enough to interrupt and unneeded nap.