Hey remember me?

Jun 18, 2002 03:19

Hmmm, How should I go about this...Well fuck I guess I'll just make it simple! I DO NOT APPRECIATE being treated like I DO NOT FUCKING EXIST!!! I DO NOT LIKE FEELING LIKE I AM INSIGNIFICANT!!! It's called common courtesy to treat people you claim to be your friends like.... oh I don't know...FRIENDS!!
My friends are like family to me and thus I treat them in that manner. I can honestly say that I love my friends; I will go out of my way for my friends if and when they so need it. I do not however, like my attempts at trying to be "A GOOD FRIEND" be placed on the back burner because something better has come along. Do you like being slapped in the face?...Well I sure as fuck don't. Hell. if I'm so unimportant to you, tell me to my face so I can stop wasting my mother-fucking time on you!
My ideas on friendship are not that difficult to understand, it is actually believe it or not has to do with courtesy and respect for another person.
1. I do like to have my phone calls returned
2. Don't make plans with me and not follow thru
3. If you tell me you are going to call me on a certain day, do it.

There are a few more but I don't feel like trying the rest, these are some basics I think everyone can relate to.

I guess the saying it true, "OUT OF SIGHT OUT OF MIND."
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