Stop now if you have a sincere attachment to Pokemon.
I've been thinking about
CONvergence today, and I remembered a discarded costume idea I had. Brace yourself:
Wired: Pokemon Hunter
No, like I really hunted them. And skinned their inanimate carcasses. And made a fur bikini out of it.
I got a good start on it last year, but then it became difficult to find Pikachu and his pals for cheap, in the stuffed version. I eviscerated a large Pikachu to make a headdress, and I have some little ones for other bits, but I would really, really like to get some Jigglypuff tummies (with the spirals, right?) for the breast coverage, and make a little fur skirt out of various pelts. For which I need more pelts.
So here's the deal. Comment me, and I will respond with my address privately, then send me a pelt, and I will email you a picture of me in a fake-fur bikini. Whaddya think?
What color is Pokemon blood? I need appropriate makeup, too. If this works out okay, and I'm not the size of a house, I may even do Masquerade. Although that takes a lot of time.