Baen ate my brain. They have the most insidious marketing strategy since the Macintosh took over educational computing.
First hit is free, kid
They support my e-book format. And not only that, you can read samples online. Like for the NEW MILES VORKOSIGAN book. But that's okay. I can wait for Bujold to take as much time as she needs. I think. (twitchMaytwitch) But their webscription thing lets you buy books in serial format. So for the book due out in March, which I have been dying for for a year (Shiva Option), I have 28 chapters. Which is not, evidently, all of them. I have that many because I i bought that webscription.
So I buy books from them, or even get them free, but buying only costs me about $3 a book, a price I can well afford. Then I download them into my reader and enjoy them. And then, and then, dear listener, I am compelled to buy them in a physical format. There are two reasons for this.
1) One really should not read their eBook in the bathtub, although very occasionally I use a ziploc baggie to good effect.
2) Paperbacks are easier to loan out. So if I love a book, I must buy it to loan to other people. Diabolical, I say!