Monday was a heck of a day

Dec 03, 2010 12:11

I left work early and went to the kids' conferences. I am pleased to learn that our kids are bright, polite, and reasonably well-behaved. It's not a surprise, but it is gratifying that what we try to teach them at home is carrying over.

Kay's speech therapist commented especially on the shirt LT got her from woot:

We are all proud that Kay can say "apocalypse", because it has a couple sounds that were historically hard for her. Her kindergarten teacher commented again on her creativity and detailed imagination.

Baz's teacher says that his writing is interesting and creative, but he doesn't get to use sentence fragments as a second grader, that is reserved for published authors. His pull-out math teacher says that he's keeping up really well, which is good, because it's a two-year jump for him. I got to look at the folder for his pull-out reading group, and I don't remember doing such awesome baby!literary analysis. It would have made my freshman year of college a lot easier.

That done, we returned home for a snack and then I took Baz to the orthodontist to get his retainer, yay! So far, he regards this all as an exciting adventure. It helps that his retainer is pretty awesome.

Note Kay's bunny-ear contribution.

Wednesday we got the tree, and last night we decorated it:

Tonight I am headed down to Mineral so I can run dad's art booth tomorrow morning. I made a fabric frame for one of his prints on fabric.

Yesterday, I swatched for a project, and I was saved. Although the yardage and weight indicated that the alpaca was worsted, it still made a pretty thin fabric when I knitted it up on size 5's. So now I know that plan is not going to work. All hail the swatch!

kay, baz, knitting

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