Farewell, Peent Titty

Sep 23, 2010 16:23

Kay's speech therapy is going really really well. This week she brought home tests she passed on initial K and G sounds. I'm super proud of her. She probably gets them right 70% of the time in casual conversation. She asks for Crayons and a blanKet and it's great.

But I will still miss all of her substitutions, all of her Peent Titty and Otay and the other things I don't even notice anymore.

It is good and right that she is growing up and becoming more intelligible and in all ways a big schoolkid now, but that doesn't stop me from being a little wistful.

In other news, her handwriting is ok, but her coloring is great! She really likes her teacher and she's making friends and not reporting any trouble and all-in-all, everyone wishes their kid going to school was such a non-event.

Also, she lost both her top front teeth, and there's no way they'll be back before school pictures. Eeee!

It is a great time to be hanging out with Kay.

Oh! And daddy went to the Girl Scout organizational meeting, and he is Parent in Charge of Cookie Site Sales. We can all clap now. First meeting is Wednesday. More power to 'em.

kay, school, speech, teeth, milestones

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