qubit and
xat are in town for a friend's wedding. Woo! So I came home last night and did some dishes and
silmarian made dinner and we ate.
envoy called looking for a plan for the evening. Hah. I don't have the plan. So I said he could come over. Then I fell asleep reading and waiting. Oof. I hate our doorbell buzzer. He and our NJ contingent showed up at the same time. I got to help xat put on her corset. Ook. Wowza. Yum. She brought me nifty yummy smelling lipstick as a thank you for doing the photographer recruiting. Whee!
So then all the dancy people took off, and qubit and I sat around and talked about math and grad school and the stuff going on in his life. And then we went up and made up the bed. And used the bed. Mmm...
And afterwards he gave me a backrub and we talked about the paper-publishing process, because he thinks he has a good lead on proving something. Wow. What a crazy deal.
So we snuggled for a while more, and he decided that it would probably be better to sleep with xat, so he went out to the guest bed, since neither of us wanted to wake up when they came in.
Silmarian came to bed sometime. He said he had fun, and that
ethel's tattoo was amazing, and that there was much dancing. At least I think that's what he said.
Morning came early.
Tonight, date with
envoy. He'd better put his walking feet on, because I have been craving a nice walk. Happily he lives in a cool neighborhood. So I'll go home, back my bag, and wash a few dishes and then head over to his place.
Oof. I'll be glad when this week is over. I've felt really ragged and stretched.